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Meet Gabriela

Name: Gabriela Romero

Job Title: Secretary

How would you describe your role at J. Cruz & Associates?

I tend to the needs of both our clients and attorneys. The role is a good mix between hospitality and clerical work.

How long have you worked at J. Cruz & Associates?

I’ve been working at J. Cruz & Associates for a week.

Describe JCA Law in three words:

JCA Law is efficient, welcoming, and successful.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years, I see myself having received my master’s in Student Affairs in Higher Education and working at a university within their student affairs/student engagement department.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

The best advice I’ve ever received has been, “Where there’s fear and
uncertainty there’s growth”.

Best concert you’ve ever been to?

The best concert I’ve ever attended was SZA’s in Austin during her S.O.S
tour in 2023.