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Meet Brian

Name: Brian M. Gutierrez

Job Title:  Business Manager

How would you describe your role at JCA Law?

As Business Manager, I handle the operations and financials of JCA Law, as well as assisting anywhere I am needed in the office to help provide the most professional and efficient business for our clients.

How long have you worked at JCA Law?

Having recently graduated, I have just began my time as Business Manager but was previously an intern with JCA this past summer and winter break.

What do you think makes JCA Law different from other law firms?

JCA stands out because of its dedication to perfection, any task our team performs is done with the upmost professionalism and effort.

What’s the most rewarding experience you’ve had while working at JCA?

I would say that getting to see JCA celebrate 10 years of business last summer as the anniversary showcases the trust our clients have in our team. It was also great to see our Attorney’s and staff reap the benefits of their hard work and dedication.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work?

As a retired athlete I have picked up more competitive hobbies, such as golf, bowling, and darts.

Best concert you’ve ever been to?

My favorite artist is Kid Cudi, so I would say that his was by far the best concert I have been able to attend.